Some Frequently Asked Questions >>
1. How many copies of manuscripts are to be sent for publication?
Answer:Two hard copies of the manuscript complete in all respects must be submitted along with a softcopy (C.D.).
2. Can manuscripts be sent in Hindi as well?
Answer: Yes, SPIJE is a bilingual Journal so manuscripts can be sent in English as well as in Hindi.
3. What are the specific fonts and font sizes required for the manuscripts?
Answer:Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of the paper with double spacing on A-4 size paper with 1" margin all around using Times New Roman font in font size12.
4. What is the approximate word limit for research papers?
Answer:The articles/research/review papers must not exceed the word limit of 2500 words approximately.
5. What is the approximate word limit for abstracts?
Answer:The authors must submit the abstract on a separate sheet not exceeding 150-200 word
6. Why must we send two hard copies?
Answer:The articles/ papers received shall be sent for blind review to two experts. Based on their recommendations the decision regarding the acceptance of the papers shall be communicated to the contributors.
7. How should authors provide their identification if names are not to be written on manuscripts?
Answer:The Title of the paper, name(s) of author(s), should be given along with the Department, Institution, City and Country of each author on a separate sheet.
8. What should be the referencing style?
Answer: References to other publications should be appropriately numbered within the text and the entire list provided at the end of the article/paper in alphabetical order. APA style of referencing must be followed.
9. What are the speciications for Tables and Illutrations?
Answer:Tables should be numbered consecutively with capital numbers and must have appropriate titles
8. All illustrations and graphs should be such as to permit reduction to one third. Legends and captions should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.
10. What is the Address for corresspondence and queries?
Answer: All manuscripts and correspondences should be addressed to
The Managing Editor
Shaishik Parisamvad An International Journal of Education
Alumni Association of Education, BHU
Faculty of Education (Kamachha)
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221010 (U.P.)
Email : [email protected] or [email protected]
1. How many copies of manuscripts are to be sent for publication?
Answer:Two hard copies of the manuscript complete in all respects must be submitted along with a softcopy (C.D.).
2. Can manuscripts be sent in Hindi as well?
Answer: Yes, SPIJE is a bilingual Journal so manuscripts can be sent in English as well as in Hindi.
3. What are the specific fonts and font sizes required for the manuscripts?
Answer:Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of the paper with double spacing on A-4 size paper with 1" margin all around using Times New Roman font in font size12.
4. What is the approximate word limit for research papers?
Answer:The articles/research/review papers must not exceed the word limit of 2500 words approximately.
5. What is the approximate word limit for abstracts?
Answer:The authors must submit the abstract on a separate sheet not exceeding 150-200 word
6. Why must we send two hard copies?
Answer:The articles/ papers received shall be sent for blind review to two experts. Based on their recommendations the decision regarding the acceptance of the papers shall be communicated to the contributors.
7. How should authors provide their identification if names are not to be written on manuscripts?
Answer:The Title of the paper, name(s) of author(s), should be given along with the Department, Institution, City and Country of each author on a separate sheet.
8. What should be the referencing style?
Answer: References to other publications should be appropriately numbered within the text and the entire list provided at the end of the article/paper in alphabetical order. APA style of referencing must be followed.
9. What are the speciications for Tables and Illutrations?
Answer:Tables should be numbered consecutively with capital numbers and must have appropriate titles
8. All illustrations and graphs should be such as to permit reduction to one third. Legends and captions should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.
10. What is the Address for corresspondence and queries?
Answer: All manuscripts and correspondences should be addressed to